ACDPN is a community organization and as such we pride ourselves on our ability to connect with members of the English-speaking Black community that we serve. In an effort to identify their priorities and to offer our support, a huge part of our work is focused on outreach. While we aim to empower them to access the public services and programs that they need, our main objective is to build a stronger and ever-growing community family.
How does ACA works?
An innovative model of community institutional
partnership & co-intervention to improve outcomes
for families in the English Speaking Black Community.
We offer our support and our cultural expertise to workers as they intervene with families with whom they may have a hard time connecting. In an effort to reduce the length of youth protection involvement and to redirect families to community resources when possible, the families are transferred to ACDPN and we make referrals to support services and programs that are offered within the community. In addition to diverting families out of the system and accelerating the closing of cases, there are many other benefits of this enhanced partnership.
Crystal clear process
An innovative model of community institutional partnership & co-intervention to improve
outcomes for families in the English Speaking Black Community.
Batshaw sends the referrals of ESBC
ACDPN makes referrals to both external and in-house services and programs
ACDPN contacts the family to offer our support and obtain their buy-in
ACDPN works with the system to follow family until the intervention is complete
ACDPN works with social workers to develop short/medium/long term plans for families to get out of the ststem
ACDPN makes referrals to both external and in-house services and programs
ACDPN works with the system to follow family until the intervention is complete
What we bring
An innovative model of community institutional partnership &
co-intervention to improve outcomes for families in the English
Speaking Black Community.
- Cultural competency
- Warm referrals for services
- Cultural safety
- Community relationships
- Ability to relate
Our benefits
An innovative model of community institutional partnership &
co-intervention to improve outcomes for families in the English
Speaking Black Community.
- Reduction in length of involvement
- Improved outcomes
- Lower risk of repeat involvement
- Improved continuity of care
- Improved offer of service
- Transparency
- Increase trust in the system
- Reduction of waiting lists
- Sharing of expertise
- More efficient follow-up process